About Us

TravelBiz is a marketing brand of a well-established UK based travel agency named TRAVELELINK LTD. We are registered as limited company in United kingdom. (Company Registration Number 09538003).

TravelBiz is your one-stop online travel agency offering international and domestic flights from all major airports of UK on all major airlines, vehicle hire options from top car rental companies and hotel reservations book able for properties on worldwide destinations. Contact our travel experts and let us start planning for your travel within your budget.

You can contact us over the telephone or e-mail. We are in partnership with some leading brands in UK comprising major principal suppliers and global distribution systems providers. This enables us to provide to our clients to select from number of cheap travel options.

For any enquiries or reservation you can call us on 0300 124 0245 or email us on info@travelbiz.uk. Always ready to serve you the best.

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